words cannot describe

Apr 16, 2008 22:08


I know some of you are in the Boston area. And I know some of you are in the Chicago area.

Please do yourselves a favor and snatch up a ticket to go see The Nightwatchman (aka Tom Morello from Rage Against The Machine).

You say, but mindles, I like the idea of supporting a good cause, but I do not care for RATM, nor do I care for acoustic protest songs.

I say, shut up and buy the ticket. It will be the best $10 you will ever spend. You will not be sorry. Trust me, your LJ-friend in musical tastes.

Did I mention he was bringing his friends? Lots of friends? And surprise friends? Jesus H, she hasn't even started on the Cypress Hill vids yet.

Seriously. What are you waiting for? Ticketmaster. Right now. Do not pass go, do not collect $200 - get thee to Ticketmaster. Once word gets out, the tickets will disappear and you will be one sorry bastard. And I will mock you and say I told you so.

Christ, I feel a blog a-comin' on. I just need to recover from getting my face rocked off first. (Why yes, that is yours truly and her camera-loving friend right down front next to the actual cameraman. I am henceforth using this to claim that I have made the pages of Rolling Stone, even if it is on a technicality.)

OMG. Stop reading, start buying!
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