The official Freefall launch party happened this past Sunday at Third Place Books. The turnout was great; over 90 people in attendance, I heard.
I gave a little talk about my Path to Publication, read an excerpt, answered questions from the audience, and then signed every copy of Freefall that was in the store. (The bookstore totally sold out, which is cool, but I was disappointed, too, because I'd wanted everyone to be able to go home with my book and that definitely didn't happen.)
There's weren't too many people there who didn't already know me, but there were a lot who didn't know the story of how this book came to be, so I did feel like it was something important to share.
This was a different experience from my recent Books of Wonder event in NYC. There, I was one of eleven authors. There, I knew only about 10 people in the audience. There, I spoke "like I'd been doing panels forever." (This is a near-quote of someone who attended. For reals!)
The launch party was all about me, of course, and I was standing in front of a crowd of relatives (lots of relatives! Some of whom had come to the event together in a chartered bus!), friends from as far back as high school, coworkers and former coworkers, critique partners, other authors, friends from Dwayne's job and band, people I've met online, etc. I wouldn't say that I was exactly more nervous about it so much as emotional, you know?
Anyway, it was a lot of fun, but also a bit of a blur for me. I didn't get a chance to talk with everyone who was there, but I was told that people had a good time, so that was very nice to hear!
And now for some pics. Here's a couple of different views of the crowd. And, actually, this was before things really got started. Later, there were lots of people standing at the back and off to the side as well.
Here's me, doing the stuff:
And my cousin Amanda, wearing the best shirt ever:
A bunch of Pacific Northwest YA authors came to hang out and show support:
Left to right: Holly Cupala (TELL ME A SECRET), Denise Jaden (LOSING FAITH), me, Kimberly Derting (THE BODY FINDER), Karen Kincy (OTHER), and Mandy Hubbard (PRADA AND PREJUDICE and YOU WISH).
Here's a link to more pictures if you want to check them out. Thank you to everyone who came and made my launch party a success! I know there were some who even traveled from as far as Oregon, Eastern Washington, and British Columbia, and I very much appreciate you making the trip for my big night. You guys are the best and I love you! ♥
Also, if you weren't able to purchase a signed copy at the event, I know that the bookstore has just received more and will call me soon to come down and sign them. They'll mail the signed books to you, if you'd like. So if you didn't already request that service and would like to,
here's the website where their phone and email address is available.
Alternately, of course, if you want to buy your copies elsewhere, we can hopefully get together soon so I can sign them for you. I'll be signing at
Uppercase Books in Snohomish, Washington on October 30th with Chelsea Campbell, Kimberly Derting, Denise Jaden, and Karen Kincy, so there will be an opportunity there, too.
Thanks again!