Oct 01, 2005 00:24
dudes and babes,
what is up?! well, tomorrow, being saturday, so actually today, i'm off to see the western football game! with kira! we're going to see kt mostly..but hey, i can get into football! it's sometimes exciting! my family always catches a football in the enzone...endzone...? lol...ok so i don't know the lingo, but whatever. it's fun and exicting! and nothing beats a good hot dog at a foot game! so yeah, i'm totally excited!
today was a good day! i went to pilates and made it there in 10 minutes! i was very excited! it sometimes takes me 10 minutes to get to the dang highway. so anyhow, i did pilates...got maybe a few more muscles...my arms are sweet! i like them...anyways! i went to work and later in the evening i saw pickle! it was very exciting! i was in the back eating one single breadstick and in the time he and brandon came in, picked up their pizza, and were back outside. so i came back out and looked outside and there was dylan! so i was shocked a little and then got over that and ran outside and gave him a hug! he's so sweet! so i talked to him and brandon for a few minutes..also enjoying the coldness of the outside! it's sooo freaking hot by the oven. it's kinda sad. but yeah. so anyways, that was cool cuz i haven't seen him or talked to him in a while! then i closed. and got a fatty tip! woot! i can now buy gas! yessssssssss! then i came home and took a vry long hot shower with the fan off. omg, it was sooo nice! i love getting out of the shower and having the whole bathroom covered in steam! it's sweet! so that was basically my day. indeed. well, i'm off. i hope you all have a wonderful weekend! i love you and miss you all!
love, mindy
oh yeah! i was reading my old ljs and was realizing that i have a lot of anonymous comments, and they're pretty much all mean! i don't get it! lol...ppl confuse me. sigh, but then again, what would the world be without random people?!