Oct 13, 2007 10:20
Things seem to be picking up now that I am back to work. The break really took a toll on a lot more than my finances. I never realised how independant I AM and NEED to be. I felt worthless. Always needing Mike's help with bills and what not. Not being able to go shopping or do the things that make me happy. I started to almost feel depressed. I wasn't very fun to be around and I even started to acuse Mike of cheating on me. Which is sooooo crazy because I have NEVER trusted anyone like I trust Mike. I think it was because I felt like all the things that made me a really cool girl weren't there anymore. I need help with bills, I couldn't do the things that make me feel pretty, and I slept a lot.
Luckily the whole depression thing came in the last month of the lay off so I was soon back to work and before anything got too seriouse, too bad, or too past due, I was making $$$, and feeling like ME and realising what was happening. I was just really really unhappy with myself. This all kind of came from no where. I was really confused. It was unexpected and aside of having to get help with bills there was really nothing to be unahppy about. It was even harder for Mike, aside of me acusing him of ludicrouse things... he was trying his hardest to help me financially and to keep me happy.
Turns out what makes me happy is reponsibility. Independance. Work.
"I don't understand why you are so upset lately. I think we have so many amazing things in our lives right now, as individuals and a couple, to be happy about."-Mike