Mao, appearing as a very young child, is almost completely absorbed in a painting he's doing of a young woman sitting opposite him--obviously C.C.; she hasn't changed much from Mao's memory of her. He glances up at her every now and again, but for the most part he's pretty focused.
"Almost done," he mutters to no one in particular. C.C. doesn't respond. She has enough patience to go around.
When he's finally finished, he holds it out at arm's length to admire his work before turning it around to show her. Mao's memory of the event is hazy at best, and as such the dream painting isn't clearly shown. All the same, C.C. smiles at him. "Thank you, Mao. It's lovely."
Most likely, Mao is no young artist. But it won C.C.'s praise, and that means the world to him.