At All Times The Revolution Goes On

Jan 10, 2006 11:02

The promised, and highly anticipated conclusion of The Revolution:

There is no real conclusion to The Revolution. It is never over.
Some would call it a failure, because it fails to reach any end state.
"The revolting!" they chant in unison,and I say "There, I have done it. I have turned you against me, and accomplished what I set out to do: to turn you on. Not to arouse you. Not to slide my hand up your shirt and make your nipples salute. I have turned you on an idea that means nothing, set you against it, in favour of it, anything. You have rallied behind me, you have turned away from me. You have done somethinganythingnothing,but you have at the very least acknowledgedmelovedmehatedme, and never once did I doubt you. I lied and I'll tell the truth. I doubted every single one of you, and myself most of all, but now, now now now, my friends, at this, the conclusion of The Revolution (which necessarily has no end and no conclusion), I have reached the understanding I set out to find (which I did not set out to find, because I did not know what I was looking for when I began, but now that I have found it, I know that this is what I was looking for this time).

You did your best. You did what you thought was right. You all failed some, and did tremendously well...better than I expected, and much better than I gave you credit for. Give everyone the credit they deserve.

And GOD DAMN YOU when you couldn't look me in the eyes, but I understand. Most of all, this is a note to myself. Most of all, this is for all the times I failed to acknowledge myself. But I know now how hard you're trying to do the right thing. I see it in all of you, and I see how we're the same, and I see how we're different. "What's good?" We can't even put an answer into words...just these complicated networks that we are, that answer the question. But that we are all good (I think, in the sense that we're trying for it) we are the same.

This Revolution is about me, because I am about it, and I can only tell you what it's like for me. But mine is about all of you, because there you are, and I like you little Revolutionaries, with your own particular Revolutions too. I can't understand what you're going through, but I'll listen if you like, and I will try my best to help you through. You have all helped me.

Every time you are, you are The Revolution. If you recall, I welcomed you as soon as you spoke, as a member, a friend, and a part of this. I would like to welcome you all again now as this ends, because it is not over, and it does not end here.

Ob La Di, Ob La Da.
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