(no subject)

Jun 28, 2006 23:41

1. What's your favorite animal? Monkey/ snakes/ dogs
2. Why? Cause there sweet

3. Have any pets? yes.
4. Ever go bird watching? When I was lil
5. Whale watching? nope
6. Ever go fishing? Yeah I like to fish
7. Are you a vegitarian/vegan? no
8. Ever play Super Monkey Ball? nope
9. Do you watch anything on Animal Planet? Yeah sometimes
10. Any bad experiences at a zoo? Yea when I was lil a was pecked and bit by a bird.

1. I love chocolate
2. I know all the words to "Beverly Hills"
3. I think "Lady and the Tramp" is the most romantic cartoon ever made
4. Summer vacation ends in August for me
5. My camera is the best thing I own
6. I have TiVo
7. I have/can fake a British accent
8. There are more than two bathrooms in my house
9. I can walk to my best friend's house in under five minutes
10. The flag on my mailbox is broken

1. What was the last movie you saw in a theater? The Lake House.
2. Rented? not sure.
3. Bought? Anchorman, ring two, pay check, mona lisa smile
4. Out of those three, which was the best? anchorman
5. What's your all-time favorite movie? Girl interrupted
6. Least favorite? there are so many.
7. If there was a remake of The Wizard of Oz, who would you choose to play Dorothy? Emmy Rossum
8. Speaking of which, do you believe it that whole "hanging munchkin" thing? Kind of
9. Who was a better Willy Wonka; Gene Wilder or Johnny Depp? I never seen willy wonka so I don’t know who does a better job.
10. What's the best snack to eat while watching movies? I like the popcorn

Depression & Sadness
1. Are you sad right now? no
2. Did anything upsetting happen this past week? no
3. Do you think you're depressed? no.
4. Do you listen to sad music? sometimes.
5. Have you cheered anyone up recently? yeah.
6. Has anyone cheered you up? yes.
7. Has anyone close to you ever died? yes
8. Do you get upset when you hear child abuse stories on the news? yea
9. Do you cry a lot? no
10. Do you watch sad movies/TV shows? yeah

Everyday Routine
1. What time do you usually get up? between 10
2. Do you shower in the morning or at night? Morning /afternoon.
3. Do you floss? occasionally
4. Do you have a job? YES
5. Name one person you see every day. my mom
6. What song are you tired of hearing every friggen day? That guy who won american idol this year…his damn song
7. Do you exercise daily? yes
8. What's one thing you have to do every day? shower.
9. What do you wish you could do every day? Play soccer
10. How do you like to relax at the end of the day? sleep

Food & Drink
1. What's your favorite breakfast? Bacon, egg, and cheese biscut or cereal
2. Lunch? Quiznos or subway
3. Dinner? BW chicken wraps
4. Restaurant? Fidays
5. Coca Cola, Pepsi, or Seltzer? coke
6. Do you drink water? yes.
7. Can you drink alcohol legally? no.
8. If no, do you drink it anyway? no
9. What's your favorite food to cook? Anything that’s quick
10. Coffee or Tea? Tea

Gambling & Other Money-Type Issues
1. Ever been to Vegas? yes
2. Atlantic City? no
3. Do you like the game Yahtzee? never played.
4. Would you ever be on contestant on Wheel of Fortune? yeah
5. Isn't "Deal or No Deal" such a painful show to watch? no
6. Are your grandparents gambling freaks?
7. Have you ever bought a lottery ticket? yea
8. How about one of those scratch off thingies? yeah.
9. Did you win anything? yea
10. Ever bet on horses or anything else of that nature? No… I hate horse races

How's the Weather?
1. So...how is it? cool and wet
2. When was the last thunder storm you had? tonight
3. Have you ever said "It's raining cats and dogs"?  yeah.
4. How about "It's raining buckets"? yep.
5. Don't you love when it snows? yea
6. Do you prefer rainy or sunny days? depends
7. Does it get really hot in the summer? yes.
8. Do you mind wind? sometimes
9. Are you scared of thunder? No I love it
10. Do you like the song "It's Raining Men"?  its ok

Idiot Box
1. What's your favorite reality show? Does hells kitchen count
2. Cartoon? Ling of the hill
3. Drama? Law and order SVU
4. What's the stupidest show on TV right now? The reality desperate housewives show
5. Do you watch sketch comedy (MadTV, SNL, etc.)? Mad TV
6. What channel is TBS where you live? idk
7. Do you actually use the TV Guide Channel? No I use the TV guide book
8. Do you watch music videos? no
9. How about America's Funniest Videos? yea
10. Did you know that "Idiot Box" is also the title of a Spongebob episode? No

Jumping for Joy!
1. Are you excited about something right now? Not really
2. When was the last time you were really, really happy? When my aunt gave me an Ireland Soccer Jersey
3. Hear any good news recently? Um no
4. Fix any problems? Uh I don’t think
5. Do you get hyper easily? no
6. Does caffine make you jittery? if I drink too much.
7. Do you get excited easily? yeah
8. Do you think hyperactive puppies are annoying? Um kind of
9. How high can you jump? not very.
10. Did you like jump rope as a little kid? yes.

Kid Stuff
1. What was your favorite toy as a kid? Lite brite
2. Were you a Disney Princess? no
3. And how about those Disney animal movies? They were cute…except bambi I refuse to watch it i think its mean the mom dies
4. Did you watch Nick Jr.? yes.
5. Barney? yep.
6. Sesame Street? yes.
7. Do you have/want kids? i want them
8. Do you have any neices or nephews? yep
9. Do you have any adult relatives who act like kids? yep
10. Were you a Toys 'R' Us kid? yes

1. What color is your hair naturally? Dirrty blonde
2. Do you dye it? highlights
3. What color are your eyes? Yellow green
4. Do you need glasses/contacts? no
5. How about braces/retainers? Had them
6. How tall are you? 5'5 or 5’6
7. What's your shoe size? 7- 9
8. How do you dress on a normal day? Jeans or t-shirt, or soccer shorts or t-shirt
9. Do you wear a lot of make-up? no
10. Do you paint your nails? yeah

1. Who's your favorite band/artist? I have slot
2. What's your favorite song? Lately its been Promiscuous by nelly furtado
3. Album? many favorites.
4. Do you have an iPod/MP3? yes.
5. Do you write song lyrics all over your notebooks?if im bored
6. Do you write your own songs? Nope.
7. Can you play a musical instrument? no
8. Have you ever started/been in a band? no.
9. Can you sing? no
10. Do you watch American Idol? If nothing else is on

1. Do you like your first name? no
2. Middle name? no
3. What's the best name for a girl? idk
4. Guy? idk
5. How many letters are in your last name?  7
6. Where did the "Boy Meets World" creators come up with the name Topanga? Idk ask them

7. Are actors and actresses going overboard with unique baby names? yes
8. Girls, when/if you get married are you going to keep your last name? depends on the guys last name
9. Do you know anyone who's legally changed their name? no.
10. Do you have any nicknames? Sweener, sweener beaner, sween-dizzle, sween-hopper, lorie, sway, sweet pea, sween-dog, keeper

1. Do you have a job? (If not, just skip this section) yes
2. Where do you work?  Funeral Home
3. How long have you been working there? Starting monday
4. Is it a long commute? no
5. Do you have a nice boss? Yes he is very nice
6. Nice co-workers? yes
7. So, what exactly do you do? Right now I clean and make sure things look good and I help prepare for funerals
8. Is this a career or just a job to support yourself? It’s a job right now but hopefully it will be my career
9. What's your ideal job? Being a funeral director and owning my own funeral home
10. Do you know anyone with a really cool job? Um yeah

Pop Culture
1. Do you watch Best Week Ever? no
2. How about "The Fabulous Life of..."? no
3. Do you know much about celebrity culture today? not too much.
4. Or are you stuck in the past somewhere? no
5. What celebrity is most over-rated? jennifer aniston
6. Under-rated? idk
7. Who's your favorite female celebrity? Angelina jolie
8. Male? colin farrell
9. Has anyone ever told you that you look like a celebrity? Yea
10. Do you know anyone who looks like a celebrity? yea

1. What's 43 divided by 3? 14.33333333
2. Name two plays written by Shakespeare. Julius Caesar and Hamlet.
3. What's the square route of 16? 4.
4. In what year did Colombus discover America? 1492
5. Who was the third American president? Thomas Jefferson.
6. How many wives did Henry VII have? idk
7. Name three elements on the Periodic Table: hydrogen, helium, lithium.
8. When did the Berlin Wall come down? 1990
9. How many hours are in 3 days? 72.
10. A butcher is 5'5. What does he weigh? Meat…idk

1. What was your favorite book as a kid? Cat in the hat books
2. How about now? haunted
3. Did you ever read the Black Lagoon series? no.
4. Ramona Quimby? no
5. Junie B. Jones? no.
6. Harry Potter? no
7. What book should have never been made into a movie?

8. What book should be made into a movie? night
9. Who's your favorite author?
10. Is "Arthur" a better book or TV show? tv show.

Sleeping Habits
1. What kind of bed do you have? twin.
2. Mattress? Piece of stiff shit
3. Is it comfortable? no
4. When do you usually go to sleep? between midnight and 2.
5. Are you a heavy sleeper? Kind of
6. What position do you sleep in? stomach.
7. How many pillows do you sleep on? 3
8. Did/do you sleep with a night light? no
9. How about stuffed animals? no
10. Do you sleep with your hair up or down? up

This or That
1. Rock or Rap? rock
2. Spring or Fall? fall
3. Black and White or Color? both
4. Cats or Dogs? dogs
5. World History or Algebra/Math? neither
6. Bolding or X's?: bolding
7. Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network? nickelodeon.
8. '70s or '80s? 70's
9. Monopoly or Clue? monopoly.
10. Aerosmith or Bon Jovi? aerosmith.

Under the Floorboards
1. Do you have a secret? yes
2. Are you good at keeping secrets? yes
3. How about your friends? yes.
4. Is your mom one of those gossipy housewives that tell everyone everything? kinda. I don’t tell her much cause I have a feeling she will tell ppl

5. Does your family have secrets? yes
6. Do you lie to people a lot to keep your secrets safe? if i have to.
7. Are you keeping a secret right now? yes
8. Do you have a good Poker face? idk
9. Have you ever planned a surprise party? Yes

10. Did you lie on this section to keep a secret? no

Video Games
1. Do you play video games (might wanna skip this section if you don't)? yes
2. PlayStation, X-Box, or Nintendo? NINTENDO!
3. Do you know what Pong is? yes
4. How about Duck Hunt? I love duck hunt
5. Are you any good at Dance Dance Revolution? I hate it
6. Racing or Fighting games? racing
7. Mario or Luigi? yoshi
8. Do you own any video games that are based on movies? Mortal kombat
9. What's the best video game ever? mario kart
10. Worst? ddr

Word Association
1. Car: need
2. Bunny: rabbit
3. Green: tea
4. Banana: in pjs
5. Dance: floor
6. Napoleon Dynamite: stupid
7. Porn: naked
8. Ambulance: siren
9. Flower: tulip
10. Internet: online

X-rays and Other Medical Procedures
1. Do you know what hospital you were born in? yes

2. Ever break a bone? no
3. Ever needed a wheel chair? yes
4. Do you have Scoliosis? no.
5. Have you ever had Mono? no
6. Were/are you afraid of the dentist? no.
7. Do you visit a chiropractor regularly? no.
8. Have you ever gotten x-rays of your teeth? yes.
9. Do you still have your tonsils? yes.
10. Did you get your wisdom teeth removed yet? Yes this past week…….i love the laughing gas it was awesome

You're So Special!
1. Are you double jointed? Yes in my thumbs
2. Do you have any other talents involving your body parts? I can make my tounge into a shamrock
3. Can you do any impersonations? no
4. Can you sing? no
5. Dance? no
6. Do you type really fast? no
7. Do you have perfect vision? yes.
8. Do you have a good short-term memory? it's pretty good
9. Are you good with computers? Kind of
10. What can you do really well? Draw, make ppl laugh

1. So, did you like the survey? i guess.
2. What was your favorite letter? idk
3. Did you skip over any because you didn't like the topic? no
4. Is 260 questions over-doing it? kept me occupied
5. How long did it take you to do this? like 30 minutes.
6. Isn't this the crappiest ending ever? no.
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