Jan 30, 2006 20:27
Friday I went to the Scholastic Art Show with Kennard and art 3’s and 4’s. It was a good time besides the fact we got out of school. Like the years before their was some amazing work and some work that should have never made it in. My best friend did awesome this year and pretty much dominated. Im really happy for her and hope everything works out for her in the future with her art.
Saturday I went down to Marietta and I was real disappointed. KILEEEENNN WASN’T THERE!!!! Oh well I will see her sooner or later. I had a meeting with the coach and all that other good stuff you get when you visit colleges. Everything went well so Marietta is another choice to add to my list of schools.
Sunday was the fucking worst day ever. My parents were being real assholes what else is new. So the whole morning and afternoon I was dealing with their bullshit. Sunday evening I went to Notre Dame College and played some soccer with the team. The team was pretty sweet and the girls were nice and everything so that was a good thing .But I totally sucked ass while playing. Like if Marsh saw me play this weekend he would have wondered what the hell I was doing. Then on the way home from Notre Dame it was like a fucking war in the car. I seriously was going to jump out on the high way.
Today was just shitty because I was still pissed off and frustrated from yesterday. To make things worse Soptelean went fucking psycho on are class today. Seriously if she would have said one word to me I would have gone off on her so bad she wouldn’t know what to do. Honestly I’m on the point where I’m not going to take her shit anymore. I’m sick of her un professional ways and lack of respect for her students. I wish she would quit and take a damn job at a department store it would make life easier.