Oct 25, 2003 09:12
I was walking down some strahgers driveway and there was this wolf/demon-esque dog hanging from fish wire and was still alive. The person I was with wouldn't let me get it down, and for some reason we would end up walking by it over and over. ( There was this large three point hook in the roof that was holding him up by the way)
I couldn't take it anymore... I decided to go to hte house and speak to whomever lived there and get that poor dog down after the person I was with noticed that it was "almost gone". Oh yeah, it also kept morphing into a rotting fish off and on while I was looking at it. So I find the guy and he seems horribly depressed and I start trying to keep my patience about the dog and just talk about why he shouldn't commit suicide as he rode a small bike thru his garage. As I am speaking to him, seems like I asked him a question, everything flashes to this morbis scene of tribal people with weird bumpy rotted faces (maybe plastic of Paris masks or something) all different dim colors and some of them were hanging upside down and beeing beaten sensless. The most proinant thing was their faces and moans of frightful terror. I heard this chime sound and woke up realizing that I was still logged onto AIM, and Ben was there sending me a message, and saving me from this dream so I talked with him for a while and felt mucho better, and then went back to bed. I think then I had some wierd dream of a really stopped up toilet, and Dennis was using his hands to get to the clog... just washing his hands in shit... I asked him why he didn't just use the plunger, so as I did shit was coming up from a large pipe in the floor, the sink and then it was clean and fine.