Aug 02, 2009 00:23
Well, Hi there. I know I've been absent. Mostly that's because of Plurk, Twitter, and Facebook. Also, life has been pretty peachy as of late. I'm not sure when the last time I posted was, but the ex and I are back together and the relationship has significantly changed. I'm not really sure if anyone on the outside can tell unless they're very close to one or both of us, but that doesn't matter. I'm being included in life decisions and every family event I am able to make it to. He's also making himself available whenever possible for mine. I'm quite a lot more aware of what I want and am so much better at vocalizing and making my insecurities known. I've got back in consistant touch with an old friend who moved away. She still lives up north, but we talk on a fairly regular basis. She keeps my drive for creativity up, as well. We're both amature photographers so when I upload a new Flickr set she does within a few weeks and so on. I wish she lived close so we could go on photo quests together. I'm out of room