Aug 09, 2009 23:15

My nephew is getting married. Really he is more than my nephew.....because my sister and I were both struggling single parents when our children were young, we often traded babysitting for one another so my daughter and her son grew up more like brother and sister rather than cousins and in some ways I feel like he is the son I didn't have. I love him whole heartedly. He is an amazing young man and I am so proud of him.

I have been putting together a dvd for his wedding.....photos and film clips that show both him and his fiancee growing up...basically 'their' story. I have laughed at the funny photos and teared up because it is just so difficult for me to believe that the little boy who stole my heart is now an adult beginning a life with the woman he loves.

I used to roll me eyes when my mom or nana would say, "Where does the time go?". But I find myself wondering the same thing. So, this week as I prepare for his rehearsal dinner and wedding, I do so with a mixture of overwhelming happiness and excitement for him, tempered with a little bit of sadness...a mourning if you will, for the times spent with a little blond boy who grew up.
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