Jun 02, 2007 02:16
NRC DISCOVERS KRYPTONITE:Finding out that the chemical composition of a material is an exact match to an invented formula for the fictitious kryptonite was the coincidence of a lifetime. The initial analysis seemed to indicate that the mineral's colour hardness and composition were unique. But the crystals were so small he needed help from the canadian lab which is equipped with some of the worlds most advanced analytcal equipement. The researches conducted standard searches in the scientific literature to make sure nothing had been previously published about such a mineral composition. Then Mr. Stanley a particularly meticulous scientist "who likes to check everything" did a final internet search using google to make sure nothing had been missed. The web search did produce a match with a wikipedia site about supermans fictitious kryptonite. Usually depicted in comic books and films as a green glass like shard of rock. The new mineral does not contain fluorine ( which it does in the film) and is white , rather than green but in all other respects , the chemistry matches that for the rock containing kryptonite. " Towards the end of my research, i searched the web using the minerals chemical formula- sodium lithium boron silicate hydroxide- and was amazed to discover that same sicentific name, written on a case of rock containing kryptonite stolen by lex luthor from a museam in the film "superman returns". The mineral won't , however be named kryptonite. That would be confusing because krypton gas is a real element on Earth- number 36 on the periodic table, and has nothing to do with the new kind of rock found in Serbia. Instead Mr. Stanley is workng with the NRC - as well as with scientists from Natural Resources Canada , the Geological survey of Canada and the Canadian museum of nature- to have proposed the name "Jadarite".
Ottawa Citizen , Wednesday April 25th
MOTHER FUCKERS. call it kryptonite. do you think if the public rebelled and protested they would call it kryptonite? Because this is something i would be willing to protest . INJUSTICE If anything , one can pretty much assume that if you are a scientist you are a nerd of some caliber. A nerd that might even read comic books. Being a nerd , i'd also assume that one could suffer a bit of " confusion " about naming a subtance that has already existed in printed literature since 1938 . Why call it anything other than kryptonite? If anything it's MORE confusing to come up with a different name for it . Kryptonite is already publically known! It's like how the brontasaurus was discovered and then 4 years later it was so commonly known , that when they disproved it as a species it was too late. Already ingrained in the publics general knowledge. Doomed to be printed on postage stamps even AFTER it was disproven , because it was too hard to change the publics minds . FOOLS I SAY. If Natural Resources Canada , the Geological survey of Canada and the Canadian museum of nature wanted to create an surge in interest from the public ( which i'm sure they need ... as learning about rocks and minerals isnt' every kids recess) i'm sure they could get alot more public funding . Seriously , what child WOULDN'T want to take a feild trip to go to a museam and see KRYPTONITE. NO CHILD. thats who.
In other news i am le sick . Also i bought cool new biodegradable cleaning supplys ."method" they smell like a grapefruit citrus dream. they clean and recycle . they have other "flavours" for lack of a better word too. CHECK IT OUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. shoppers .
ALSO as an aside. It's been bothering me for a couple of days now. this could be a stupid question. But what does the "E" stand for in e-mail ? Because the word Interet , as you know , starts with an " I " Anything over the computer is called "E" , E- hug ,E-mail, E-bay ,...ect. and i don't understand why. The only solution i've found so far in my brain , is that Internet "E"xplorer was the first software I had , but i don't know if that was actually the first internet program. It's a pretty bad theory. so if anyone knows please fill me in . i'm E-CURIOUS.