I got hit by a drunk driver in Flagstaff....

Apr 16, 2008 12:52

At our last show in Flagstaff, AZ, our van got hit by a drunk driver who ran a red light after we finished the show. I was driving the van at the time... This is my very first major accident. As you can see in the picture below, the van is essentially un-drivable. Luckily, nobody was hurt, though Natasha was taken to the hospital from the scene. (She is okay though!!) Fortunately, the driver who crashed into us was caught, as he tried to run away from the crash site (hit and run).

We had to figure out how to get from Flagstaff to LA without working transportation; in doing so we spent more money than we have to rent both a Uhaul and a car. Now, we have to purchase a new tour van (which will eventually be reimbursed by restitution from the driver) so we can get to our shows next weekend and continue this tour.

The band itself has really come together to get through this. Each and every member worked together to arrange transportation, call insurance agencies, talked to police officers, etc so we can figure this all out. We have seen in this situation that we have such an amazing network of friends that have helped us get through this situation. We would like to thank everyone who was there last night who stood by our side to help us. Anadies, Ikonoklast, Hardwire, Regicide and all the people who were in Flagstaff when this all went down…THANKS. We love you, and we wouldn’t have been able to get through this without your help and support.

(not the best picture in the world, but you can see half of the damage)

We'll post more new soon about what happened soon... What a night.

In the meantime, we are putting up a donation link. Any little bit will help us out in this situation.

Also, we are playing two shows this weekend: One in Vegas, and one in Phoenix/Tempe. Here is the info for those shows:

Apr 18 2008 11:00P The Cheyenne Saloon (late show..we go on around 12:30) Las Vegas
Apr 19 2008 8:00P The Big Fish Pub, at Chocolate Velvet Tempe, Arizona

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