Rain pours here, but the little sunshine in life helps.

Feb 01, 2021 00:36

Side project of mine.

Riding at Lake Mcmurtry, OK

May I say at first for those parents struggling with their children during these times on top of staying ahead financially, I salute you!  Thankfully I do not have to worry too much but the pressure of keeping on track of virtual learning with physical work has been challenging for me.  But despite that personal demons/chaos I have been riding a good vibe train lately.  Enough to where I can sleep better tonight sharing some experiences and writing little.  Looking forward to the sore legs taking advantage getting out XC riding for 6 miles.  Missed riding Marley.  I went on strike being so mad leaving some good hot spots locally in Running Springs and Big Bear California next door.  But I got surprised today.  Stilling looking forward to finding new spots.  Chit chatted with a good friend, congratulated her for completing her online courses achieving goals.

Two things tho been trying to finally get rolling is my stories and possible game play projects.  With my bashed and lack of self esteem just getting myself to reason to put these to rest is pitiful to say the least.  It frustrates me at times trying to write something that hits me and yet dread how the day went.  Or not enough steam.  But have been rolling on my creative side elsewhere for now dusting off Opentoonz for a project making game play videos.  I want to just record the game play yet have a animated face.  Seeing some pics you can almost guess what my model might look like. lol  So the picture above is a draft to clean for a cover for my pages.  I do not plan to stream unless I get fans.  But no matter to me if I get paid or even popular.  Animating myself raging over dark souls sounds like a hoot. But of course playing along with software without some knowledge to use it can be infuriating.  Like when I working with the shapes and models over a draft...to save and find my work saved as a jpeg separately.  Still I am having fun.  I will leave this here good people.  Good night, sleep tight, ans sleep with the stars!

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