I stole this...cause I'm cool...

Nov 06, 2006 05:31

Ten Random Things About Me:
1. I LOVE the color Pink...
2. Its colder in my room than it is outside because my heat doesn't work!
3. I love the smell of matches
4. I have my nipples pierced
5. I am secretly in love with Shoes which is funny because I don't really own that many...
6. I went two months once with BLOOD RED hair in high school
7. Everyone already knows this, but I can't spell at all!
8. I'd give my right arm if anyone asked...and that usually gets me in trouble
9. I'm working a 10 hour shift tonight and I'm not very happy about it because I didn't know till I went to write down who came in tomorrow and when...
10. I am AFRAID of public transpertation

Nine Ways To Win My Heart:
1. Show me, not just tell me you care...
2. Treat me like I am important to you, because chances are you are important to me...
3. Understand when I have other things to do.
4. Don't take advantage of the fact that I'd give my right arm if you asked, use it when you need it, but don't take advantage of it.
5. Like to go out and not really DO anything
6. Be able to spend HOURS talking about anything and everything
7. MUST MUST MUST like to cuddle
8. Don't loose my trust because once you do, it takes months maybe even years to get it back...
9. Be able to kill spiders for me!!!! :)

Eight Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. Sky dive
2. Travel all over the world
3. Live by a park
4. Have children
5. Not be in debt up to my ears, I don't care if I'm poor, I would just like to not owe anyone money!
6. Feel like I really am making it on my own
7. Ride a roller Coaster
8. Go to at least one broadway show! :)

Seven Ways To Annoy Me:
1. Have bad grammar.
2. Grind your teeth
3. Lie to me.
4. Make fun of me constantly for everything without giving up even when you can tell I'm mad
5. Hold me back
6. BITE YOUR NAILS!!! I will smack the shit out of you!!!
7. Be passive agressive tward me or confront me without warning meanly. If there is a problem, sit down and talk it out like a grown up.

Six Things I Believe In:
1. God
2. Everything happening for a reason.
3. Music
4. My friends.
5. Love
6. My family

Five Things I'm Afraid Of:
1. Spiders
2. Being alone, and not as in not in a relationship...but being alone in my room
3. being left/people giving up
4. What will happen to me in my life because I'm gay...
5. Letting people I care about down...

Four Favorite Items In My Room:
1. My pictures and posters
2. My blankie
3. Patty
4. My heating pad

Three Things I Do Everyday:
1. Smoke
2. Use my phone
3. Shower

Two Things I Want To Do Right Now:
1. Go home and sleep

One Person I Want To See Right Now:
1. Well, basically anyone who's going to entertain me. <---I like that answer! :)

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