dreamwidth and other boring stuff

May 04, 2009 19:16

So, I am now mindabbles on dreamwidth. Thanks to the fabulous red_squared for the invite. I am adding people as I see them there. I plan to post everything here and at IJ and there if I can figure it all out.

The second milestone claim at bigbangblackout has closed! Lots of people made it and remeciel did a gorgeous banner for the authors who did. YAY!

My kid went to sleep at ten to seven tonight. Paranoid mama is paranoid--do you think he has swine flu? Tell me he just hasn't had enough sleep lately (he hasn't) and hasn't been feeling well because of having bad allergies (he has). Right? Right. His birthday is tomorrow, it would really suck if he came down with swine flu on his birthday.


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