Happy Doctor's Visit

Jun 01, 2006 19:45

Today was Miss Abigail's second doctor visit, and the whole thing went very well (even though we sat in the waiting room for an hour). I have to say, our little girl is perfect. She was quiet the whole wait before going to see the doctor, and only started crying when we took off her onesie in that chilly room. She stopped crying once she was back in the carseat, and only made some noise on the way out, when another little baby was crying. I hope this lasts!

Anyway, the doctor praised us for doing a wonderful job - she's gained a half pound since last week, and grown a half inch. We noticed her umbilical stump was barely hanging on, so the doctor sped things up and got it all the way off for us. Thank God that's gone! Now there's just a bit more healing to do, and her tummy will be tickle-riffic!

As far as us, things are going well and getting better. We have bumps, like her waking up at 4:00 this morning and not going back to sleep (except for a few minutes here & there) until 9:00. She kept wanting to eat, so finally I put some stored breast milk in a bottle and gave her that. She was finally satisfied with that, and fell asleep within minutes. We're all still figuring this thing out, though, and some kinks are to be expected. One thing I really look forward to is being able to wake up for the day at a decent time, instead of between 11:00 and 12:00. I'd also like to be able to get things done. Today I considered it a job well done that I got her clean clothes put away, got a shower, and got her to the doctor all before 3:30 (well, Jason got home in time to come to the doctor with us).

Speaking of Jason, I have to give him praise again. When he comes home, I know I won't have to change any diapers, and can rely on him to watch her for as long as I need him to so I can take a nap. Not that I've been able to sleep during those naps, but I still appreciate the opportunity to have some downtime. He's also full of praise for me, which helps keep me going during rough times like this morning.

One thing does concern me: she's not really sleeping in her bassinet yet. We'd put her in bed with us (on a nearly flat pillow between us - she was very safe) for the first week, and haven't been able to get her to night-sleep in the bassinet yet. She napped in it yesterday, but today I forgot to use it. I really want her to not sleep with us anymore - she's started rolling a bit, and I worry that she'll roll off and smother herself. Then there's the fact that we need to have our bed to ourselves. We'll keep trying, though, and I'm sure we'll have her sleeping properly soon.

Well, the little stinkerbutt is stirring, and I want her to stay awake for a while so I can get some sleep during the night, so it's playtime!


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