And The Decades Disappear Like Sinking Ships

Feb 12, 2009 02:44


Life is really really rushed right now. Trying to churn out as much art as possible for portfolio, which is due Friday. I like deadline, though. Maybe I thrive in stress...I sure produce more. I finished that last painting, by the way:

I'm working on another with hopes to have it complete by tomorrow. A lot less personal, but it's a pretty piece.
My only real concern lies within the essay writing. Ugh.
I might not even get in, you know? I don't even have all of the proper credits. I've talked to a few folk there and right now I'm relying on them letting it slide based on the quality of the portfolio, and a possible Math summer course. Even if they do take the portfolio seriously, I'm under a much harsher light than other applicants, and I can't help but feel as though this is both a waste of time, and an unnecessary cause for stress. On the other hand, shit it is making me create a lot of awesome art.

And you know, I'm lucky that I have the girl to talk to. It's keeping me trucking through this a little easier.
I'd be able to do this on my own, but...having something this nice sort of puts colour in even the darker areas.
It's strange but pleasant to be able to do things in absence on another person in my life, you know? Pushing myself to go back to art after Kristina really taught me how to do that. And currently, what the girl and I have is comfortable enough that we can both push for our own deepset passions, but still really care for each other. She has her horses; I have my paints. I've never been in a relationship where I had time set apart for my own, separate development, one outside the relationship. It's surreal but so much better having things this way.

I'm really happy right now. And...I think, I would still be pretty happy if I weren't in a relationship. It's no longer filling in for emotions, it just...amplifies them. I guess. LIKE A SUPACHARGA!!!

Okay. Back to painting for Tamoose.
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