Levitation Nation

Jan 29, 2009 00:28


I lasted 3 weeks without alcohol. Wound up drinking with Astrid last Friday and then a little more at the club...then a little more at The Love Station. Didn't get drunk, just maintained a little buzz for the night.
But I'm proud and happy with how it turned out. I still haven't chowed down on any chemicals and I feel that my goal was pretty much met. Which for me, is exceptional, as I hardly ever keep the promises I make to myself. I'm going to see if I can maintain social drinking without falling back into the world of drinking more than one night a week. One night a week, maybe two. And with getting drunk no longer in my interests.

I ran into Scott at the club, Ed introduced us. It took me until we had reached the Naam to realise that Scott used to be George and that him and I used to be bus buddies. Haha, I don't think he remembers despite my poking at the subject.
I'd forgotten how much I liked him. We're going to head to The Fall some time next week to talk tattoos with the lovely shopkeeps there.

Also proceeded to revert back to whatever the hell it is that Astrid and I become when we see each other. It's funny. I like it. We dated in Grade 8 for about 6 months and yet we still have some weird connection. We'd never be in a relationship together again but at the same time, we're very close. There's a lot of love for each other there that I don't think will ever fade. Ah, there's no point trying to type out what it is. It just is.

Took my Shambhala ticket out from my drawer tonight to look at it and got thrown into that crazy Shambhalalalamindframe all over. I am so excited for August. It's so far away but dammit. That place, the energy it puts in me...it's just exceptional. I understand it isn't really just the place that does it, or the people, or the music, or the chemicals...but I think there's a certain come-together-at-last feel that permeates the air at Sham. Everyone is just so happy to be there after that long journey that last not just 8 hours, but an entire year. People change so much over that time and yet we all come back to who we are at our core at Sham. Yanik, feel free to back-talk here <3.

Raja Ram (1200 Micrograms, Shpongle) and Benji Vaughan (Younger Brother, Prometheus) have formed a project called "The Zap!", for those of you who are interested. Alright stuff, from what I've heard, but the boys have certainly done better. They have a pretty groovin' remix of "Because" by The Beatles, though. There's also a song by the name "One Forty Eight" that has a distinct Simon Posford feel to it.
Their Myspace can be found here.

This painting is killing me. I'm being so fucking picky with it, I keep moving parts and having to repaint. It's serving as a good tool to teach me the form of the human body, though. I think my next few canvasses will turn out for the better as a result. And I've got some really crazy ideas. I think I might break away from my very realistic surrealism style and try to move into something more fluid/splattery. Less restrictions on form and more energy flowing through the work. Mm, dreamlike, I suppose. Think Waking Life?

Tomorrow Emily is coming over and we'll be making some music with utensils and water glasses, some guitar and piano and her vocals, maybe some of mine. Also on the agenda? Painting and baking bread. Hell yes.

Okay I'm going to go read stuff on the Lost forums now, because it is my lifeblood, etc etc.
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