Jul 15, 2007 18:08
I'm a bit disgruntled.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is released on the 21st July and the audiobook is out on the same day too. As the book is hardbacked and will thus be too heavy for me to read, and not wanting to wait for the paperback; I decided to order the audiobook.
Amazon promise that if you order either of the paper books (adult or children's cover) by midnight on the 17th they will deliver it to your door on the day of release. I hoped this would apply to the audiobook as well, but apparently not. My audiobook will be delivered, they estimate, by the 31st. TEN DAYS AFTER RELEASE! Maybe I'm being grumpy but isn't that a little unfair to all their blind and disabled customers? As the audiobook has been prepared for release on the same day as the paper books, for the first time, why can't Amazon deliver it at the same time too?
I'm not sure whether to cancel my order or what to do. Amazon sell the audiobook considerably cheaper than the RRP, half price in fact, but it's still pretty expensive. If I go somewhere else, for example ask my mum to buy it for me when she goes out, I could end up paying much closer to the RRP. Which, by the way, is seventy-five pounds! I'd feel like I was being ripped off.