I've sent off my 25% ME Group letter and statements to my MP for ME Awareness Week. I would love to do so much more and am upset that I'm just not able to but what I can do is spread the word about these statements and this letter.
I never ever just send form letters with blind trust, I always read them through thoroughly and only send them if I totally agree and I really couldn't agree more with what the 25% group are trying to achieve here. They are "focusing particularly on the problems surrounding the NICE Draft Guidelines for CFS/ME, the DWP CFS/ME Guidelines and the NHS Plus Guidance Documents on ME/CFS." Statements on all of these to send to your MP or MSP plus a covering letter are on their website
here for anyone with severe M.E. who hasn't already done this and is interested. Or anyone else but the letter will need altering slightly as it written from the perspective of someone with severe M.E.