Nov 13, 2011 23:31
Heading into tech/performance! Will be gone from now until next Saturday night.
Also, I realize and apologize that I effectively ended up being on hiatus this past week. Work/school ended up throwing me unexpectedly under the bus to the point of multiple near mental breakdowns, and the fact that it was only "near" was largely in thanks to self-medication, i.e. well, that sure was drinking straight out of that bottle of tequila, wasn't it. Red thread folks, I would love to pick things up with you! I just... won't be that good at it this week, either.
If I have the time, I might end up popping into things here and there. I just don't anticipate that as being likely. As per usual, I'll still be hanging out in chan and such.
Enjolras/Maladict/Tatsumi/Takeuchi Sora/Van Grants/Rorschach/Captain Jack Harkness/Charles Xavier