Write letters and send them to people.
Comment to
this post with your mailing address, and I will write you a letter.
The letter will be handwritten. I make no guarantee of content or length. I don't know when I will write it. But it will be written and mailed to you. If your address changes before you get a letter from me, please re-comment or edit, because even if it's five years from now, I will write to every person in this post.
Please feel free to comment again if you did the letter post last year, but I will be prioritizing any who haven't gotten a letter before.
I do enjoy getting mail, but please don't feel any obligation to write back to me. I want to send you letters. Only write back if you feel like sending a letter.
Cross-posted from my regular LJ. Please leave your comment there. (All comments to that post are screened.) If you go to leave a comment there and can't access the post because it's f-locked, then we need to fix that now because I love new LJ friends.]