(no subject)

Dec 10, 2006 08:14

How many more tracking devices will the ministry issue, how many more innocent citizens must be attacked, have property destroyed before the public sits up and takes notice? How much longer shall Fenrir Greyback roam free before the rag reports on something besides hemlines, colors, and cuts of some unknown designer?


It seems we're all to be caught up in the craze of figuring who this mysterious fashion prodigy might be, or perhaps it's simply more of the ministry's smoke and mirrors. Shall we all get caught up in haute couture and forget about the ministry's latest fashion statement?

Those of use wearing the ministry's tag can't forget quite so easily. Though I do wonder if Hortensis doesn't have something to coordinate with my collar.

The populace continues to sit back, remains content with life as is, watching as the ministry continues to impose their will. Slowly infiltrating every facet of our daily lives, what's next? Shall we all be tagged? Marriage programs, reproduction regulations enacted?

Ignorant or apathetic to the fact that the current administration is, failing its aims, still blaming the previous administration for it's failures, and the Wizengamot continues to bend to the will of a Minister not elected by it's citizens. A war-time appointment whose grace period has long since passed. If he will not dutifully call for elections than the Wizengamot must demand them. This is not our government, this is not our administration or agenda.

And if not the Wizengamot then who?

Those who elect the Wizengamot. The people. No more rule by the power elite, we must actively pursue our own destiny.

Government should rule by majority to protect the minority, not objectify and persecute those on the outer circle of society.

As my right honorable friend has already mentioned the message is clear: We want an election.

ef·fi·ca·cy (ěf'ĭ-kə-sē)
n. Power or capacity to produce a desired effect; effectiveness.

[Latin efficācia, from efficāx, efficāc-, efficacious; see efficacious.]
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