Jul 23, 2012 15:49
OK just signed up for my first Yoga class. Well technically it's my 2nd but I was in 3rd grade the first time :) I'm nervous, I'll admit. I've purchased a couple videos over the years and the poses seemed really hard, usually leaving me with a sore back. This is a beginners class so I'm hoping I'll be OK. My back seems stronger now than it has been in years, riding my bike to work everyday seems to be the key to that.
Tired today - didn't sleep good last night, of course I never do Sunday nights. Then at 5:00 this morning I was awakened by the sound of a thunderstorm. They are rare here and I really miss them. Short of sleep or not, I admit I was happy to just lay there feeling the breeze on my skin, smelling the rain and blissing on the sounds of thunder.
Breakfast this morning was an overripe banana (blech) and the last of my raw sunflower seeds. Need to soak and dry the pumpkin seeds I have. Lunch was spinach, blueberries, banana, raw hulled hemp seeds, sprinkle of ground cacao nibs blended with a small amount of water.