Nov 03, 2009 23:13
beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat
a breath to begin
in a world of new
find something to do
in this world made for you
beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat
you start off small but then get tall
you start to learn and then it's fall
then you start to reatin it all
now you learn that you are small
beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat
knives of lovers pushed through
until you find one that stays in you
then you make 2 anew
who they are, me and you
beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat
the world you changed
made you rearrange
lovers once, kept you shortchanged
papers were exchanged
beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat
all that is left of you
the life of two
you can not view
<--- (needs a line) closeing line grr
breath be given
breath be taken
coppyright Christopher Scholtens 2009