Jun 22, 2006 17:53
Hmm... yesterday was apparently the most bad-weathered June day in Scotland.... figures, it was pretty windy. And I have had my last exam !!!!!! yaaaay ok so it was on tuesday and this is thursday but wtf. It was from 9:15 to 12:25, i.e. my left hand was dead by the end, cos i had two essays T_T
ok, so YOU try writing an essay on how some music came to be inspired by literary works in the Romantic period... blah.
oh well got to go to a rehearsal now, yes, my third 3hour reherasal in as many days, concert tomorrow and saturday, with the EDINBURGH CAMERATA w000t brilliant choir. we're doing some really challenging pieces as well, which makes a change from pieces in school choir that I get bored with after 3rd rehearsal, because thats all i NEED to learn the music.