(Public entry) BEADSPAM!

Feb 17, 2008 12:53

More beadspam, under the cut to preserve space and connection time! I've been making disc beads and playing with bright, bright colors.

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Comments 4

scifinut February 17 2008, 18:49:35 UTC

I love the beadspam, really. It's all so pretty! :D :D

And I have to say, it's been amazing, watching you progress from a beginner with your first beads to the stuff you do now, keep up the excellent progress!


alkari February 17 2008, 20:16:51 UTC
I don't know what's wrong with my setup, but I can never SEE your pics in the posts. :( I have everything set to allow them as far as i can see, but your never show up.

So I am sure the beads are gorgeous, but wish I could actually see them!!


mincot February 18 2008, 03:19:24 UTC
That is MOST irritating!!! Can you see the links themselves, i.e. the hyperlink? If you can, you can cut and paste to a new window and the pictures should show up.


MEanwhile, watch email!


alkari February 18 2008, 05:29:48 UTC
No, I can't even see the links themselves ... if I could, I'd be posting to my browser. I cannot understand what is wrong *sigh*

But I *am* wearing your little earrings a lot - the round ones that are sort of smoky balck/grey with a touch of blue. They go with lots of things :)


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