cooking cabbage with louisa

May 11, 2008 13:52

that's one of my dieting recipes (own creation)

it can be made without any oil  (and if you leave out the cheese) it's completely fatfree.. but I usually add cheese and 5ml of oil or so

you need:

1 complete cabbage (which is usually more than 1kg )
[yes. I eat 1kg of one go, easily. I'm not joking when I say I could do foodfighting.
this time I used jaroma cabbage (but I also use white cabbage frequently)
this is jaroma ]


vegetable stock

but basically you can add anything you like... I sometimes add thyme

cut and wash the cabbage and then cook it.. I add all spices already in the beginning and sometimes add little more later on.. but I think anyone can do that as he pleases
i started adding oil lately again because I think it's better.. but depending how I feel (weight wise) I dont use any oil at all. I'm scared of oil.

that's how it looks finished:

i use maggi for everything. low cal way to spice up things,

cabbage with maggi. wow. amazing I know : D

adding cheese also

of course that cheese is  FAT REDUCED

mixing , cheese will melt a little and the result is :

I eat this pretty often... add another kilogramm of fruits and this is my usual daily diet...

[this post was mainly written for a certain person... so dont bother with it if you dont care about dieting/food etc : D ]
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