Dec 15, 2006 19:04
I don't get it.
I've seen so many Bulletins Regarding God on myspace, stuff like Repost this if you believe in god and want to go to heaven, or bulletins that ask you to repost this if you believe in Jesus with the title :"I believe and I’m sorry." or whatever.
but seriously. Lets take a look. According to The Christian Church(I mean generally) You will Only Go to heaven if you do this and that, with the Catholics cash used to save you a seat in heaven, now its Confession to be cleansed. Baptists something along the lines of "Convert someone, go to heaven." and Lutherans and Puritans Believe Hard Work will get you in. (albeit on a different scale).
But that would imply that god loves you conditionally. That God will Only Love you if you follow his Ten Commandments, if you go to church every Sunday, if you work hard, and only if you don't Sin.
Why Would God Love us only Conditionally? I don't believe that. Whoever got that Idea Needs to rethink. We grew up with everything being with a Condition. Our Parents Love(If we did something bad we got punished etc.), and as such we take this condition into our own love relationships.
You Grew up with the Framework of Condition in your mind.
You go out and speak your Truth:"God is a loving god, but if you break his Commandments He will punish you and send you into eternal Damnation."
For have you not experienced the punishment of your own Parents? Do you not know the Pain it creates? how so could God be Any different?
We Base "god" on our Own Physical, and Humanistic Experiences, and in doing so, create a flawed being.
Why do We do this?
Because a Being that Does Not Judge, Should not be Feared, and would never punish you is simply too magnificent to be embraced and accepted by our grand notion of who and what god is.
If there is a God I am sure he would forgive me for the mistakes that I make for Being Human.
If there is Such a Thing As God I am Sure he would Love me unconditionally.
~ Nils