And not doing my homework. But I just needed to do some more procrastination before I started finishing my group's chemistry report, IT research and study for Spanish and Math again. And it's already 11PM! GO ME!
So I got my state exam results last thursday! And spent the last three minutes cropping and doodling sloppily over them:
Don't ask how this is graded... as I'm not sure myself. XD I know that passing grades are around 50.01 and up, and getting over 70 means you did really well, and that if you do VERY well, they may give you bonus points, as in instead of 100, they give you 104, or even 120 0.o That's why I'm not sure what the maximum scores are. I was really hoping to score a perfect grade in English (Dammit Olympia, how was I supposed to know you were a "site" and not a "valley" or "city"? That was totally unfair.)
I now hate Social Studies too... Not even Hetalia could save me this time as there were no WWI/II or World Geography questions. =_= It really dragged my score down, just like the other 58 score at the bottom (But apparently, that one doesn't really count, so whatever.) And I suppose I did relatively well in Physics, considering we haven't seen most of the things they asked us in class yet.
Oh! But the awesome thing is, I got into the group of people who got placed #1 in the whole country! I'm pretty sure I didn't get the highest score in that group (72,4 point average is still mediocre to me, despite what my classmates tell me.) but it's something. That ranking's taken after you divide the number of people that took the test by 1000, and so people can get into 1000 different score groups. So I'm not that upset.
Ahaha, my classmates would punch me if they saw me complaining about my score. XD
Moving on, of course I had to comment on... EUROVISION!!
FFFFFFF! Yay! Congrats to Norway, their performance was amazing! (THE VIOLINS!!) And such a nice song too~ (And somehow reminded me of Prussia/Hungary... but that's just me.) I'm not happy about Lithuania or Finland though! Sasha deserved way more than that! ;A; And DAMMIT, HOW COULD "I DON'T WANNA LOSE MYSELF BUT I'M FALLING!" GET LAST?! I JUST CAN'T BELIEVE IT~ It was cute, and catchy, and GFAGJFJGJHDG!!!
Ok, I got that off my chest.
Germany and Greece took the cake though... The shiny! It dazzled me!
But what really made me enjoy this year's ESC was the MSN convo I was in while I watched it. So F-ING hilarious! Thanks to the people that were in it for making me lol for two hours and make the show much more epic than it already was! x3 Specially when it is hetalia-fied.
It seems were finally getting 'Cleaning out the Storage' 8DDD And in japanese instead of the dreaded engrish~ /is a happy fangirl.
Btw, am I the only one who constantly forgets that most of the characters are supposed to be around "17-20" (Aside from China, England, France, Spain, Greece, etc)? Though most of the time I imagine Greece being much younger than "27".