hate love, and anything in that catagory.

Mar 25, 2005 23:39

i can't feel
so go ahead and turn away
you can go alone
i don't care if you stay
and i would say i used you
but that would be a lie
see, i never loved you
but you were what i wanted at the time
and it might have only been a night
and that was all it was
and you are dying inside but
you knew it wasn't love
you watch as the others approach me
you call me all hours of the night
you tell me my smile in beautiful
but you aren't even what i keep in eye sight
just cause i dont care the way you want
doesnt mean i dont care at all
i'm not being a bitch
im no doing this to watch you crawl
thank you for what we had
but we need to say goodbye
wipe the tears from your eyes
the girl who you think you love
isnt even who i am deep down inside.
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