Mar 18, 2004 12:40 last! I hate when it rains, and where I'm living, we aren't used to rainy days.
Today we finally have a day of spring. At the back of my house there's a little artificial lake with ducks and swans. Then there's this large park full of flowers and trees. This morning there are a lot of families with their children and dogs running...
It's wonderful and it makes me feel good!
My Italian Rpg is going on quite fairly. I'm very pleased from the way my character is interacting with the Lord Elrond, and I really like the way this girl is moving her character. She has a really really good style. *nods*
Maybe when it'll be over I'll publish all the story on my site, I still don't know. Anyway it's good, very good.
This morning Rox came here to spend some time with me, and we were talking about a meeting at my byfriend's house this sunday. My boyfriend's parents live with him and his brothers in a street next to mine. Then they have another big house with dogs and a great garden, but it's a little far from here.No one lives there.
Sometimes we all go to this home to cook and watch some dvds together, and it's funny to stay with my friends next to the fire to laugh and drink something hot!
Well I think this weekend we'll go there to watch my new Dvd. (No I'm not going to tell you what it is because you'd laugh at me! ;-PP)
Oh and this is a public entry, so the person who's bitching around writing shit to Megiliel can also tell her that she can come here and read it if she wants it.
I also told her that if she wants to be in my friends list she have but to ask it. I have nothing to worry about, as I told her the same exact words written here.
Uhm... nothing more than that... I'm going to cook something now, and later I swear I'll go to my friends page to "intrude" in your journals entries! ;-PP