Scan : GYAO March 2009

Feb 28, 2009 14:44

It's might be late for posting these picture.
(Anyway, I know that I always be late...)
Coz my work doesn't let me to do ArashiGoto often.

For ShoChan, Gyao give him a title as " I'm your Hero"
of course YES!! I love this Hero so much!!
And I also hate him when he took my money too (-_-")
Does someone think like me that OhnoSan's so charming in soft day-light.

OK~~Let's Enjoy!!





1. Please Don't HOT LINK to images.
2. Feel free to use these images as you want 
    But don't act likes you're the one who bought & scaned it.
3. Comments are always Welcome~~ (^_^)
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