Seiyuu ka-! chapter 12 summary

Jan 26, 2010 13:26

Released in Hana to Yume issue 3 2010. Will be in volume 3!

Hime Narration: {Starting today, my new life is beginning!!}

A moving truck is parked outside Hime's house. Akane is still the insane worrier that we know her to be. She's crying and asking why, oh, why her precious older sister has to leave. She jumps into Hime's arms and complains that she'll be so worried about her that she won't be able to sleep at night. Hime living by herself? She might as well be dying already^^.

Yamada interrupts the sister moment, telling "Shiro" that they'll be leaving soon. Akane is confused. Why is this guy calling Hime "Shiro"? Hime starts sweating and explains that it's a nickname derived from "doSHIROuto", which means "big amateur".

Hime recaps that in order to become a top-notch seiyuu like planned, they're going to take the fastest route and debut her as a male seiyuu, making the most of her prince voice. Nobody except Yamada and the 2 AQUA are supposed to know this. Not even Hime's own family.

As they're driving, Yamada asks about Hime's mother. She wasn't there that day or anything. Hime puts on a smile and explains that her mother had something to do that day and she hasn't been home since that morning. To tell the truth, Hime's mother hadn't said a word after she told her that she was moving out. Yamada continues looking in her direction worried.

When they arrive at her new apartment, Hime's excitement is cut short when Yamada seriously informs her that except for the times when she must behave as "Hime" for school, she will be living completely as a boy. When she's home, when she's out and about, even in her sleep (I added that one^^), she must look and live as a boy. If she is discovered as a girl then they're absolutely finished. Hime is very taken aback and nervous about it. This totally reminds her of the time when he told her that promises made by businessmen weren't serious. Yamada flicks her on the face and calls her a dimwit^^. He takes out a piece of paper with one simple sentence on it written by Hime: "I will listen to anything Producer Yamada tells me. Signed, Hime Kino." Yamada does an evil chuckle telling her that this isn't a "promise" they're working with. It's a "contract". (XD) Hime only now realizes she's made a pact with a demon to live a double-life.

Because of this "new life", Hime has trouble adjusting for school. The next day at school, she barely makes it to class on time. She wheezing when she enters the room. Tsukino asks what could have happened for her to almost be late. Hime excuses it as being nothing, but it's actually because she's not as close to the school as she was before, and she's now alone so there's nobody to wake her up. New adjustments are always fun^^.

Hime looks to the side of her and is surprised to see Senri there. He's been absent for 3 days. Nowadays it's rare to see him in class. He seems bored and dazed as usual with his hand up against his cheek. She gives him a morning greeting, only to receive the cold shoulder. As usual, he's as unpleasant as ever. Then she remembers that since she's going to be a male seiyuu like him, she could really learn a thing for 2 from him since he's a professional. Afterall, she's always worked towards becoming a female seiyuu so she has no clue how to act or perform as a male seiyuu.

The child-like teacher, Miruku-sensei, later on introduces her lesson for the day. 2 students at a time will be performing impromptu with no script, but only with an assigned setting. She calls Senri up first and when she's trying to find a partner for him, Hime raises her hand and insists that she does it. Miruku grins and outright disses her by saying they won't be able to learn anything from her and calls up a different girl that we only know as Kajiwara.

Miruku-sensei: "Okay then, the setting has been decided. In this setting, Kajiwara-san really hates Kudou-kun, and Kudou-kun really likes Kajiwara-san. You have 5 minutes to perform this^^"

Girls observing joke around and tell Kajiwara to be careful not to fall in love with him literally. Kajiwara is confident that she won't because she's apart of the AQUA fanclub. However, she turns to look at Senri and he has an adorable blank stare on his face. He then breaks into an innocent smile and expresses his absolute delight in finally getting to see her. Kajiwara breaks immediately. She tells him she loves him too. Instant fail^^.

After that, girl after girl tried to "beat" him, but I'm sure they just wanted to go through the same thing. This went on and on throughout the class until Hime's turn, and even then the class had already ended. There was an instant "Kudou harem" created afterwards. Girls crowd around Senri's desk, which happens to be next to Hime's spot and it's annoying her a bit. Although, despite how annoyed she is with him, he was able to bring happiness to the entire class with his performance. She has yet another reason to be an awe of him.

When she's home at night and dressed up in her "Shiro" disguise, she tries out her male seduction skills and thinks she's not half bad when she says, "You, look this way^^". She becomes excited as she continues looking in the mirror and settles on saying this to a girl sometime.

She suddenly hears a chuckle from behind her. It's AQUA's Mizuki.

Mizuki: "Oh my~~~~ You're so adorable~~~!"

Shiro is really surprised that he just suddenly came out of nowhere. He's sitting on the ground curled up holding his legs together, grinning from ear to ear. Shiro asks Mizuki if he's aware that this is in a girl's room and he's alone with her, but Mizuki points that "Shiro" is a guy so it's alright. Shiro remembers that it's true. She'll just go with the flow. She asks why he's there in the first place. Mizuki's stomach growls. He continues to smile and says he swooped in for his next meal^^.

In just a short time, Shiro has dinner for them both prepared. Mizuki is amazed with the food preparation. It looks rather elegant and something totally not expected from Shiro. However, she always prepared dinner when she was living with her family so it's nothing out of the ordinary for her. She tells him to eat and then go home straight afterwards.

Mizuki asks her what she wanted to talk to him about before they prepared dinner. Shiro begins talking about what Mizuki told her about imitating other people a little while back. (that conversation was in ch.8) She was thinking of observing how Senri acts during his performances to see how she should act as a male seiyuu. Mizuki continues listening while calmly eating his dinner.

Mizuki: "You're going to study him? Hime-chan, studying him is alright, careful, okay?"

Shiro: "Be careful?"

Mizuki leans in close to her face.

Mizuki: "If you get too close to him as you are now...he'll eat you up."

Mizuki gives her a smiling confident, yet serious look as if he's asking with is eyes if she understands what he's saying. Shiro doesn't understand, though. Mizuki takes this opportunity to steal the food Shiro is holding with her chopsticks^^.

(Side note: I would never be able to eat off someone else's eating utensils~! XD)

The next day at school, the girls are still sick with "Kudou Fever". Kajiwara, the first girl Senri did a performance with, made a bento lunch for him and bashfully asks if they can eat together. Senri is busy looking through a book. Hime is still as perplexed as ever, but all the girls are still very happy. Indeed, Senri is really amazing...

Senri slams the book down on his desk, causing the entire room to fall silent. He gives Kajiwara a dark glare as if he's sick of seeing her there.

Senri: "...I didn't particularly say I wanted you to make that. You're being such a pest. Don't talk to me."

Kajiwara is completely devastated. As Senri gets up and leaves the room, she breaks down in tears and covers her face. Hime is shocked by what she's just seen. She quickly goes after Senri in the hallway. He looks back, still looking as if he's just sick to death of seeing her. She catches up to him and grabs him by the sleeve of his shirt. She looks tremendously concerned about what's going on. She knows something strange is going on. She always thought the work he does was supposed to make everyone happy.

Hime: "Why did you say such a thing?"

Senri: "...Let go."

Hime: "But Kajiwara-san likes you! Why would you say something to make her cry?!"

Senri: "...What's it to you? It's none of your business."

Hime: "But everyone was so happy with your performance...The work we do..."

She grips his sleeve tighter as she starts looking even more worried.

Hime: "...Isn't it to bring everyone happiness...?"

Senri gently touches the hand that gripping his sleeve. He turns to her and apologizes. He didn't want to cause her to make a face like the worried one she has on now. He looks deeply remorseful, which was totally unexpected and causes Hime to jerk back. Senri looks sad after she does this. She's overcome with confusion with what's happening.

Senri traps her against the glass windows behind her, asking why she's running away from him. Hime asks herself what's going on and is stricken with fear.

Senri: "I like you this much."

Hime's mind goes completely blank for an instant. The look in her eyes indicates that she is definitely scared. She remembers what Mizuki told her the night before.

Hime thoughts: [He'll consume me.]

Senri smirks and declares she's disqualified. Hime, duh, is even more puzzled now. Senri frees her and explains that he was just continuing the lesson from the previous day about him loving her and her hating him. Just like everyone else, she also couldn't even react with a role that was provided for her beforehand.

Senri: "I have no intention of being friends with any of you."

As he leaves her, Hime is left remembering what had happened. Her mind went blank for an instant. The next thing she knew, she realized it was all just an act. But there's no way she would forget the moment when he had her trapped. His performance was absolutely flawless. He was able to make her react the way he wanted her to. He had consumed her very being. As if she's going to let it get to her.

It begins raining that evening. Shiro gets ready to leave to go somewhere (don't know where). She raises her fist and declares she hates to lose and most definitely won't lose to him.

As she's walking down the street, she comes across a boy holding a dirty kitten up, along with a couple kittens in his lap, some in a box, and even one on his head. The boy is giddy and laughing, asking the kittens if they want to come to his house since they've been abandoned. Shiro drops her umbrella in shock when she realizes that this boy looks exactly like Senri Kudou!!! She tries to convince herself that it can't be him, but sure enough, he's the real deal.

Senri spots Shiro and is petrified. They exchange stares for a second. Then Senri quickly gathers the kittens together and hauls them away. Senri looks quite humiliated^^. Shiro is left with a blank look.

Shiro thoughts: {Senri Kudou is such a weird guy.]


Scans for this chapter were provided by the same one who has provided chapters 9 and 11: whitesunnie! I'll have the summary for chapter 13 up soon since scans of that chapter were already out before this one and I've already translated it.

Okay, this is my first rant in a while. I still like Senri to bits, just so you all know. But...I found him quite annoying in this chapter. He's so mean!!!!! Sure he's so very nice to the cats, but what use is that?! He's human! He needs human friends too! It's not like he's a reject to society or ugly! He could very easily have friends if he'd just stop being such a jerk! Man, he really has some trust issues. If I imagined Mizuki and Shuuma's trust problem was bad, Senri's must be off the charts. Oh well, this is where "Shiro" will come in. If you haven't seen the next chapter, and you're a Senri fan, you're in for a sweet treat.

Ah....but the kitten was adorable. And Giddy-Senri is funny^^.

Just so you all know...I thought the use of "eat you up" in this chapter was weird, too. But you all know what they mean, right? Right?

More Mizuki in this chapter~! I really like this character. He could go the way of the big brother figure OR the love rival. In my eyes, he's good at both!

I dunno what else to say

真的是声优吗, seiyuu ka!

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