Billwang. Lots and lots of Billwang. I've only been able to see the first 20 pages of chapters 6 and 7 on that sight, though. Chapters 4 and 5 have blog reviews that I only read.
Billwang does require a membership, and it really helps if you're fluent in Chinese because I sure as heck have a hard time gathering post points, not knowing Chinese and all...
May I ask where you read the other chapters? I've been searching like crazy for them.
What blogs did you read? Are they in English?
I joined millions of years ago (which is really 4 years ago), so I don't remember the steps to take or if they're even accepting members.
I usually head over to The Maniac's blog for Hana to Yume reviews, which include Seiyuu ka. It's in Japanese.
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