So, it was my birthday yesterday. I'm over 1/3 of the way to death! HURRAY! (lol) I was working so it was rather dull, but I had soup and a giant parfait for dinner, and that was fun. I also opened presents from two of my sisters. And they're... well they're very different people.
One sister got me:
Kick-Ass and
Awkward Family Photos (the book).
Another sister got me: a silver clutch wallet (actually pretty cute), Sex and the City: The Movie (er...), and what was obviously a paperback book. And as I ripped open the wrapping to the book, I thought to myself, "Oh my fucking god, she got me Eat Pray Love, didn't she." And lo and behold, SHE DID. [siiiiigh] I love said sister, I really really do, but we have very different tastes in entertainment. ;^_^
The best present had to be from Niece #3, who drew two princess-y drawings for me. However, the message on the back of one drawing completely baffled me. This is what she wrote:
From [Niece #3]
To Aunss [Minako-chan]
I.... obviously "Aunss" means "Aunt" (she got it right on the second picture) but "Rwalkmu".... ???? I have no idea.