Jun 24, 2010 13:12
I watched the Macross F movie last night. It was a camrip and it was 640x480, but I didn't care. Since a dvd STILL hasn't been announced, it was the only way to watch it. Hey, that's how I originally watched Ponyo and Howls Moving Castle so I'm fine with it.
Oh and did I mention it was raw? Usually I wait for someone to sub it, but after wasting entirely too much time looking for a subbed version, I went ahead and watched it. I actually knew more Japanese than I thought. Cool, so being an elitist sub-only watcher has paid off I guess? Besides, I had already read a million reviews on the movie so I knew what was going on.
Since I'm making one of Sheryl's movie outfits for AX, it was good to see the source and I was pleasantly surprised that she wears the outfit I'm making much longer than any other outfit in the movie.(And no its not the Black Bunny outfit XP)
Have I mentioned how stoked I am for this concert? I debated over and over with myself about whether or not I should go, but finally I decided that you only live once and this concert will only happen over here once. I liquidated what was left in an old account and bought plane tickets for both Kristi and myself. Its kind of a "Pre-wedding Maid of Honor" present to her. I know how hard she's going to bust her ass to help me plan my wedding so I wanted to treat her beforehand. :D (in b4 irresponsible spending and bad economy bullshit. I have NO regrets.)
But yeah, I don't really go on and on about my fandoms since I don't really feel the need to, but Macross Frontier really touched me in a way that no other show has before. I anxiously awaited each and every episode that came out and that damn soundtrack was on repeat in my car for a whole summer. I fell in love with the animation, the characters, the costumes, the fights and mostly the MUSIC.
I'm not a music person AT ALL. I don't really go to concerts. I don't follow current musicians or their trends. I couldn't tell you the street date of so and so's new cd. I don't walk around with an ipod and headphones everywhere I go. I usually jut have the radio on as background noise in my car or I forget to turn it on and ride in silence. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate music, I could just live without it.
And then there was Macross F. Maybe it was the way they blended concerts and valkyrie fights, or the way they softly started the ending theme at pivotal heart wrenching moments, but whatever it was it got me hooked. May'n's voice in particular gave me goosebumps. She's just such a powerful singer. I think they couldn't have picked a better singing voice for such a dynamic character. But in addition to all the singing tracks, the instrumental tracks captivated me too. Everytime I listened to the score, it was like I was reliving all those crucial moments in the series.
Ok, so if you like, read all of this you either are bored as hell at work, or really give a shit about what I say. But I'll make a TL:DR version...