Opening Night Blues

Nov 20, 2004 08:21

Last night was opening night for our show, Black Comedy. It was good and all, I mean, it's a great play, but my night really sucked. Let's see. First, theater work is really stressful for everyone, and people kept flipping out so I kept flipping out. Probably not the best reaction you could hope for for opening night. Second off, I was F.O.H (Front of House), which I'm not extatic about in the first place, cause that means I sit there and take tickets. To make matters worse, my director wanted my friend Josie and I (both FOH) to dress up as little go-go girls, because the play is set in 1968. Oh fun. I had on a little black mini dress (which zipped all the way down and off, by the way) and a pair of knee-high black boots. It was all fine and dandy, except for the fact that my hair was on top of my head. All of it. Oh my god, I never want to see THAT again. If I can find a picture, I'll have to put it up. That just wasn't fun. Some of my techie friends did some pretty stupid things, and this was all before the show. When I went in after my ticket-duty, I sat and watched the play. In this play, we have loads of fire on stage, so we have two standby firemen, incase something ignites. Or detinates. Ooh, props that blow up... XD Anyways, I was sitting in front of my friend Ivan, one of our standby firemen. About halfway through the last little scene, I smelled smoke. Which wasn't probably the most odd smell you'd think of smelling. I mean, one of our actors had just burned more than half a taper (not the candle; a taper is pretty much a stick of wood that you burn) on stage. I could have sworn the big chunk had fallen off and lit the rug on fire, but it hadn't. After the show though, like we techs always do on opening night, we went to Denny's. My stage manager (Merideth), Ivan, Josie, Jordan and I. We had a grand old time. Telling Ivan he was stuffed full of fruit just like his pancakes. Heh. While everyone else was getting chocolate milkshakes, I got a salad. I felt so nerdy, but my salad was good! We were all going to Merideth's house to watch a movie afterwards, but I couldn't go. My mom said I'd be out way too late if I had gone. Ugh. Parents.

PS: I'm making Mac & Cheese right now... something I've made for a good 10 years. I just put the butter into the boiling water with the noodles. My mind has gone, I swear.
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