It's over!

May 28, 2004 09:52

w000000t! =) School is finally over. Ah. I LOVE summer vacation! Sorry... just had to get that out. XD

Actually, I just got back from the tech sleepover. Me, Josephine, Jordan, Sarah, Ivan, Chelsey, Merideth, Avi, Isabel, Zach, Ryan and Michael. What fun! We all got there about 9:00 last night (well, a few people were already there from senior graduation), and once I put my stuff down, something fun happened. Chelsey dragged (well, to start with. Then we ran. xD) me, Merideth and Ivan to go and run in the sprinklers in the field. It was really fun, but half the field had already been watered, so it was FREEZING! Our feet were numb before we even stepped foot into the sprinklers. =3 Kinda wierd, huh? But we finally got in, and we ran in the sprinklers. It was so much fun! ^___^ It was kinda painful when the water hit you really hard like, in the back of the neck. >.<; Ow.

When we trudged back, wet, we found Avi. Still dry. So we all hugged her. She screamed, cause we were wet and cold. =D So funny. But then we went back to the theater, and changed into our pajamas. They were nice and warm and dry. Michael put some music on, and we had a pillow fight. We all grabbed a pillow, and we'd beat up on Jordan, and then he'd get mad, and so we'd go and beat up on each other, and then go beat on Ivan... xD So much fun!

Jordan had this blow up queen-size mattress, and Ivan joked that he knew what THAT was for. XD So, with Jordan being who he was, he started to chase Ivan around the theater. It was awefully funny. But Ivan tripped, and Jordan kneed him accidentily in the chest. T.T Merideth and I, okay, she was calm, I was a little scared, because he had a little blood stain right where he said it really really hurt. But, it was in fact from Jordan's knee, cause that was bleeding.

Then Michael brought out the glowsticks, and we started dancing with those. XD Chelsey taught me how to Rave (the dance with the hand movements and stuff...), and I think I've actually got the hang of it now!

After the glowsticks, we all settled into a little blob on the floor, and watched Mr. Deeds. What a good movie! XD After that, we watched The Shining. I started to fall asleep, and when I did, Chelsey took the prime oppertunity, and smeared shaving cream on my face. At least it smelled good. XD So I took careful note not to fall asleep again. =3 But that's harder than it sounds!
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