Feb 11, 2006 19:59
That's it. I wrote the end of the second book. And it happens to be the day after its birthday. So, it took me two years and one day to write this sucker. (Astirian Winds only took 8 months). Oh well, what can you do?
Of course, there is still a lot to be done. There are some things that I think I want to go back and add in, but other than that, this baby is done.
It feels good. I won't lie.
Current (unrefined version) Stats:
Word Count ~ 193,676
Pages ~ 339
Chapters ~ 51 (though I have another chapter to add that is already half written, so more like 52)
Ah, the smell of success.
No, I am not putting the cart before the horse. I write for me. So, yes, I have two books written, and neither is in the process of being published. I don't care. Someday, it will happen. Besides, AW is still sitting in NY somewhere....
Now I just have to come up with a title....I hate doing that, though I have a few ideas...
And, the best part of being done with Book Two......Book Three. ^__^
Oh...it's gonna be good. I am gonna turn your minds inside out. ::wink::