Today I introduce.......
OMFG!!! She's sooo cute!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I got her shortly some time after first moving to New York.... so that means I've had her for about 4 years now almost 3 years (I found the receipt.) I got her on June 26th of 2007.
I remember going to 3 pet stores around Manhattan one day trying to a gray bird just so I could name him/her
Kakashi. She hissed the whole way to her new home! XD It was so funny to hear her take a step or two in the box and then *hiss!*
The first two days she refused to eat or drink anything. I guess she wasn't used to the type of food I offered her... She seemed interested in the seeds when I would stir my finger in it, but she wouldn't eat any of it until I, myself, ate some of it. After she saw me eat it, she began to DEVOUR the seeds. Then I needed to show her how the water bottle works.
Kakashi Likes:
- pumpkin seeds!
- things that go *CRUNCH*
- flying around the room in the morning
- having her head scratched (only be me)
- perching on people's heads (except my bro's and mom's)
- shredding paper! D:
- taking a shower/bath
- watching movies
Kakashi Hates:
- the fire alarm
- balloons
- when the thing that goes *CRUNCH* turns out to be a vegetable
- my brother
- having an incompetent sex partner
- parakeets
- the camera
And now for some pictures! :3
Kakashi looking all serious!
She LOVES this!
Her face is hilarious at this angle!! XD
Birdie antics!
Kakashi loves to drink water from my glass. When it's empty, she usually fails to notice. Like here! XD
Since she was obviously thirsty and confused as to why there wasn't any water in there so I gave her some water.
She drank what she wanted an then tried to take a bath afterwards as usual. That's when I take her to her cage and mist her a bit with a spray bottle. She loves it! (I have no photos of it though... sorry.)
And that's all for now! :D