Ramblings: Birthday, Scarves, Doujinshi and Music

Feb 01, 2011 23:50

I can't believe a whole week went by already since I originally planned to post some of this this. Man, I suck....

Anyway, last Monday was my birthday. I am now the ripe old age of old. I now have THREE white hairs to prove it! XD

My family celebrated it the day before (which is my grandmother's b-day) becuase I had work the next day. We had Japanese food for diner from the local Japanese restaurant. :9
Usually: birthday = I bake a CAKE!

However this year I didn't bake a cake for myself like I did last year. I did plenty of baking for Christmas not too long ago... -_-  But I did have cake. It was store-bought from the usual bakery my mom frequents in Astoria.


Clearly piping is not the strong suit of whoever decorated this cake.... I'm not that good either but I could do better than this. God the "leaves" look terrible!  But the cake did taste good. It was chocolate with strawberry mousse. Mmmm.... <3  I only had one slice. When I went for a second slice later in the week the cake was already gone... ;_;

Earlier in the day I got some flowers, a teddy bear, Godiva chocolates and a balloon. (We always get a balloon on our birthdays in my family.)

Those chocolates were gone within 12 hours. XD
I normally don't receive flowers but my mom got this for me specifically for the vase which she thought I would like. And she was right. I love the vase! <3  Sadly, I just realized I failed to take a pic of just the vase so you guys can see it's awesomeness. It looks like 6 little vases smooshed into one. Perhaps they'll show up in the background of a future pic.

So yes, my birthday was quiet and relaxed. I just wished my brother had been here. He's down in MD for school. Spring semester always starts around my birthday... >:(

And now for scarves! So many scarves!

First the Tiny Doctor Who scarf for Hershel is almost done! Here is was in the morning...

And right now it's:

I apologize for no current photo of it. I'll probably finish it before I go to bed tonight which is great timing since I'll be able to start the REAL project tomorrow. The season 16/17 scarf in BLUUUUUE! :D  It should be almost twice as long as the previous one I made since the original was made from two other scarves.

It took me forever to figure out which type of yarn I wanted to use and then in what specific shades of blue. During my quest I used the sample yarns I ordered from a local farm a few weeks ago to make a tiny scarf for Playtime Layton. He's so pleased. ^_^

I only learned last week that I work less than a block away from a yarn shop that carried the brands of yarn I was interested in. (I pass by it all the time!!! How did I not notice it!?) I could have saved myself a week and a half of planning had I known it was there. *facepalm*  So anyway I went there saw all the beautiful blues they had. Some colors that appeared more on the violet end in the photos turned out to be beautiful shades of blue in person. So I made notes of the colors I wanted to use and bought a couple skeins of colors I knew to be tricky to find in the online shops using my Christmas gift card I got from my aunt. Thank you Aunt M.!

Pretty yarns! <3
I decided to use Sublime's Cashmere Merino Silk DK for this one. It's a little on the expensive side but it is oh so soft! I'm going to love this scarf when it's done.

When I got back from the store I altered the pattern using approximations of the colors I'm going to use. I spent hours shifting the colors around until it looked pretty balanced and pleasing to my eye. I hope it looks good to others as well.

The colors I decided on are the following:
247 Ink
100 Paddle
246 Puffin
163 Captain Peacock
193 Sailor Blue
63 Taffeta
199 Lido

I don't know how many skeins I'm going to end up needing to complete this scarf. I'm certain I'll most likely need a second skein of all the colors. (I'll trade doujinshi for them!) I currently have the above three colors which are 247 Ink, 246 Puffin and 199 Lido and I've ordered at least one of each of the rest of the colors. (Bye-bye birthday money...) I know for certain 100 Paddle and 193 Sailor Blue are to arrive tomorrow. The rest, I have no idea since I can't track them but they have been mailed. I'll be so happy if they all arrive tomorrow.

I was really antsy to get started so I did...

I couldn''t continue since I don't have the next color yet... ;_;

PROGRESS: (pretend it's in blues)

(lol! it's so long my layout can't handle it! XD)

Enough about scarves! Time for some mail!

I'm a member of SwapACD and PaperBackSwap where you post the CDs and books you don't want anymore to trade with other people for ones you do want. It's really nice. I recently got rid of a stack of books pretty quickly. :D The CDs on the other hand have been sitting around for over a year... No surprise as they are very common and no one wants them. :(  Here they are for anyone interested. (Please claim them!)

So last week I received two CDs that had been on my wishlist. The first arrived on Monday, January 24th.

Yay!! Wait! I forgot this has Jesse's song!! *cries a million tears of sadness*

Ok, I admit I'm a total pussy when I watch a lot of things. I cry VERY easily. A sad moment. I cry. A beautiful moment. I cry. A heartwarming moment. I usually cry.

I don't recall any moments in Toy Story that makes me cry but in Toy Story 2 the scene where the song "When She Loved Me" plays I cry EVERY. DAMN. TIME. For real! Just look at this scene!!

It makes me think of my beloved Rainbow Brite doll....

Mine actually looked more like this...

I lost her a long long time ago. I had turned over the house looking for her at least twice. Each time I was unsuccessful in locating her. ;_;

I'm so sorry Rainbow Brite!!! I've never ever forgotten you! I wish I knew where you are right now! I miss yooouuu!!!  D':

And on Saturday, January 29th I got something less depressing...

The cinematography was gorgeous in this movie. Such vibrant colors!
I really like Tan Dun's scores. So epic and beautiful. A lot of his tracks have a sorrowful feel to them which just make them even more beautiful. I haven't listened enough times yet but so far my faves on this album are For The World - Theme Music and Gone With Leaves.

I haven't added the two soundtracks to my ipod yet because I've been busy with.... doujinshi!

I got nearly all of the doujinshi backlog from the past few months scanned and sorted now. I have to go back a rescan one of them because I accidentally deleted the scans to make more room. So annoying! It's the first time that has ever happened. Thankfully it was a short-ish one. *sigh*

alchemyotaku75 , if you happen to see this before I get a chance to email you could you remind me which of these doujinshi you were interested in again so I can get those cleaned up first in the next batch of cleaning. It'll be a while before the next batch so no need to rush. If it doesn't have a title you can read just give me a number. The first book in the first row is #1 the next one is #2 and so on.

On Friday, January 28th I received a package from melorasworld  which contained this beautiful 100+ page doujinshi among a few other things.


Look at those sparkly hearts! It's by Usagi Paradise, one of my favorite Zelda doujinshi circles. I'm going to have fun scanning this one! Thanks again Melora! <3 <3 <3 I promise to send you HQ scans when I get them done! I still haven't had the chance to check the discs. My mom won't leave her computer so I can use it.

While I was updating info and adding new doujinshi to my doujin journal I took the opportunity to also update the Professor Layton doujinshi wishlist. Zilla, check it out, there were several new ones I hadn't seen before. I hope comiket lady managed to grab most of them for us.

And now to end my ramblings with Kakashi being fluffy and cute! <3

series: legend of zelda, project: long-ass project, project: knitting, music: soundtrack, series: professor layton, stuff: doujinshi, celebrations: birthday, ???: mail, project: doctor who scarf, music: general, movies: pixar, life: my boring life

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