Since I totally failed the previous Mini Layton Hat Cake (aka
spunkywulf I decided to give it another try with the leftover stuff I still had.
After about an hour I had created this....
That's what I had intended to give the first time!
(The moisture you see on the cake is condensation. It had been in the freezer all night and it was really warm on Wednesday.)
Spunky, this is how it looked when I put it in the container (minus the PPP figure of course!) I have no idea how it looked when you opened it up. You'll have to tell me. I really hope the chocolate and buttercream hadn't melted... I'm almost certain the mint had wilted.
Here's Mini Hat Cake with the Marzipan Layton from the
Layton Hat Cake. As you can see this Mini Cake is really small and therefore adorable! <3
And here's how it was assembled:
First I made a tiny batch of buttercream using one stick of butter since I had given Spunky my leftover buttercream some time ago.
I didn't feel like making a batch of cookie dough just so I could make one cookie so I had my bro pick up this round BAAAASEBAAAALLLL cookie from the grocery store for me before he left. I have no idea how it tastes. Probably dry and crappy.
I scraped off all the raised parts so it would be more flat.
Then I took the lid to something and used that as a template to cut out two round parts from the leftover cake that my mom had nibbled on.
They're like two little chocolate fillet mignons. *drool*
Which were split in half to make four layers. I believe FAILCAKE had six.
Here's the cake all frosted and ready to have leftover mint chocolate ganache poured over it.
I poured ganache over the BAASEBAALLL cookie and the cake. Then I put them in the fridge so the chocolate could get firm. Then I poured another layer over the cake portion because I thought the chocolate looked a little too thin. And back into the fridge it went.
And after some very very careful handling I stuck the cake on top of the cookie. And put it in the freezer until the next morning when I decorated it with the ribbon and mint. :)