Title: The Best Part of Waking Up
narukorpCharacters: Sakurai, Sachiko, Kureno, Asuka
Word Count: 625
Rating: PG13
Summary: Asuka needs a little help waking up in the morning, and Sachiko's just the one to do it. Unfortunately.
Author's Notes: Based upon crack discussed between me & zuul. Also, I miss Naruko. ;~;
"So from what Shishou said, because Sarutobi-san isn't keeping up with her exercises, we're supposed to make sure she does them?"
"And...this involves me, how?"
Sachiko turned her head to give her boyfriend a slow, lazy smile that started the not-good butterflies dancing in his belly. "Because while Tsurude has faith in my ability to bother Taichou enough to get her actually moving, he also wants to make sure I don't take several pages from Team Gaia and over-do it. Your job is to make sure that Taichou does what Tsurude's allowed her to do."
"I wish you'd at least append a '-sama' suffix when talking about him," Sakurai grumbled before he ran a hand through his short hair.
"I do. To his face and at whatever public function he decides to drag me to when The Last Uchiha is needed to intimidate someone."
Her voice was innocent enough that Sakurai just sighed.
The rest of the walk to Yuuhi-san's place was pleasant, with both of them talking about what was going on lately. Sakurai was ironing out another complicated medical jutsu, while Sachiko was clearly enjoying helping her genin teammates learn how to detect and counter genjutsu.
Maybe a little too much, with how bright the gleefulness in her eyes glowed.
Sachiko mounted the steps first and knocked briskly on the door. She was pushing her bangs out of her face when Yuuhi-san opened the door. He looked mostly awake, with pajama pants covering what his bathrobe didn't, a mug of coffee in hand, and a bare shadow of chin fuzz that indicated he hadn't been conscious long enough to shave.
He slashed the air with his left hand, and Sakurai fround slightly at the faintest tickle of chakra. "Stop that," Yuuhi-san admonished mildly as he sipped his coffee.
"Just staying in practice, sensei," Sachiko replied, her voice only a touch contrite and at complete odds with the smile on her face.
Yuuhi-san glared, more annoyed than anything. He still stepped aside to let them in. "Asuka's asleep," he said.
"I figured." Sachiko stepped quickly towards the hall leading to the master bedroom.
Sakurai made to follow her but Yuuhi-san put a hand on his shoulder to stop the younger man. "Coffee?" he asked.
"Uh, sure. Thanks." Sakurai followed him, a little bemused but getting the suspicion that Sachiko waking Sarutobi-san was as much a morning ritual as Sachiko trying a genjutsu on her teacher.
Yuuhi-san got Sakurai a cup of coffee and indicated the container of sugar on the counter. Sakurai was drinking his doctored drink when Sachiko's voice rang out too clearly.
"Good morn~ing, Asuka~san~!"
Asuka's voice followed, screaming and swearing and killing intent obvious. "GET OFF, YOU FUCKING BRAT!"
"I'm trying to, Taichou, but it's hard when you keep moving around like that~!"
Coffee-mist exploded from Sakurai's mouth as he choked, missing Sarutobi-san's shrieked reply. Someone's fist thumped him hard on the back, which helped to get him to bend over enough so he could breathe. He gulped air and tried not to feel too guilty about the coffee splattered all over the kitchen.
He heard footsteps, and looked up to see a grinning Sachiko waltz in, looking pleased.
"She's awake."
"Do I want to know...?" Sakurai gasped. He straightened up slowly.
"Probably not," Yuuhi-san answered. Sakurai surmised by his tone that this was also a common theme to the morning.
Sachiko's grin grew, exposing canine teeth. "It was just a little--"
Thunk! went the kunai that quivered in the wooden doorjamb where Sachiko's head had been a moment before. She'd stepped back to avoid the weapon.
"--genjutsu. Sensei, Sakurai, I'll be outside." She flashed a grin, and then was gone.
Yuuhi-san looked at Sakurai. "More coffee?"