Jun 15, 2005 22:39
It's been a interesting time since I last wrote in this thingy. I got sick at a friends house, but it turned out ok last week. I bummed around at home last week for a bit which was cool. I went into New York City on Saturday. It was an interesting experience, considering it's been like forever since I've gone into teh city solely for the purpose of hanging out. My friend Elisa, her bro and I bummed about in the NYU, St. Mark's Place area for the afternoon. We had fish&chips at A Salt and Battery. Chris had some skoolwork to do so Elisa and I shopped in the area. We hit up a japanese supermarket, where I got Smile Happy Biscutts, and a rice ball. We sat around on teh street eating our food when some crazee lady asks us about stores. She returned later to rammble about kill bill to us when we kinda ran away without really running. I got a kewl new plaid hat. (no Grandpa, no) After that we chilled in Starbucks, which was across the street from a starbucks, and that one was.... and so on and so forth. Met up with Chris, went to B&N. Had dinner in Chinatown. Then headed to the seaport to see They Might Be Giants. The show, although for kids, was amazing. It kinda rained before their set, but whatever. I ended up buyinh a TMBG onesie for teh soon to be baby, and a Indestructable object tee for myself. We returned to O-side and all was good.
On Friday, My sister broke her ankle in 2 places, and I had to go to the ER with her. To this, I have to say, I'm a long time listener, first time caller. That damn tv show speaks lies. It wasn't soo bad. I had to wait with her, contact her husband to tell him our location. Then we kinda misbehaved while waiting for a doctor to see her after a dianosis. Playing with cotton swaps, sponges, gloves, too bad there weren't scrubs. It did help my sister from being emo about breaking herself. That asise, I am now the chauffer of Gimpy McLimpsalot.
Tuesday was my b-day. I turned 19. My mom and sister Amanda were being whiny cuz I wanted to go out for Asian but my sis's BF didn't want to. We went out for steak, although not Tempura and noodle soup, was still really good. Today I went shopping with my gimpy sister, which was cool cuz we had no kids with us. I got a Johnny Damon t-shirt. I'm pleased.
More to come at a later date, peace ya'll!