This isn't a hoax, I swear

Sep 23, 2008 16:50

I've actually updated my LJ holy shit. Plz to be checking my layout, profile, and icons (mostly the icons :3) for precisely what was fixed.

GOD I love my new icons.

Last night was an amazing night. All of my dreams came true in a blinding flash of emotion. YES THAT'S RIGHT; I found a PhotoShop CS3 crack for my MacBook Pro :3 God bless the internet. As such, I've been making icons like a mad man and it's really really fun, but they all suck really really bad so my plans of obtaining internet fame through iconing may be a bit further down the road. Curses.

I would like to put forth that Namco is an exceptionally brilliant economic conglomerate. Why? Here, have some logics:

1) They release ToS for the GCN. I buy, play, become addicted, play again. And again. And again.
2) They release ToL and ToA (mostly ToA) for the PS2. I buy a PS2 and ToA and repeat my sad little spiral into addiction.
2a) Jade
3) They release ToV for the XBox360. Already deeply entrenched in the time-sucking world of Tales and in need of a fix, I buy an XBox ($160), a memory stick ($50), and the goddamn game ($60). Yes that's right, I blew almost $300 for the sake of one game. UNF Tales.

Of course, irony dictates that school and Harvest Moon get in the way of my Tales, so I've not played more than 10 hours on the damn thing. >:|

On a school note, my current classes are as follow: Anthro 211 (Theory and Culture, basically), Honors College Core: History Focus, Chinese 101 (Which is really really fun once you get the hang of things. Like grammar 83), and some stupid shitty required Health class that I just write porn in ♥~ I turned in my Double Major request form a while back, but I don't "officially" become an Archeo/History DM until next semester. /sad

Murr, less RL-focused post later when I'm not feeling like dead.

icon updates, tales of, layout update, tov, toa, school, fail, profile update

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