Suuuuummmmmmmer (lawl, new icons).

Jul 08, 2007 09:02

For the record, Transformers was BEASTLY awesome. I suppose if you were never into it that much, it might be a bit over-rated, but for fans, there is nothing better. Awesome graphics, spectacular fight scenes and they really did amazing justice to the original series. :D Must go watch it again...

I will refrain from telling my D&D druids to "Transform and roll out!"

So, my summer goal is FINALLY get around to finishing all the games I haven't yet finished.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance/GCN (must get the Wii sequel ahhhhh)
Fire Emblem/GBA (omgwtf why can't I BEAT this?)
Champions of Norrath/PS2 (damn you, single player)
Tales of the Abyss/PS2 (though I already know the ending...)
Metroid Prime and Prime 2: Echoes/GCN (Yes, I know how long I've had them, dammit)

Also, I must restrain myself from replaying other games or purchasing new ones (darn you Baten Kaitos 2: Origins).

If there is anyone in my area (or not in my area) who would like an excuse to come hang out with me, Aaron, Ed and I are going boating on the lake sometime in the next week, and we've got room for one or two more. :D

video games, rant

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