Jan 01, 2007 19:11
year 2006
not my favorite year
is over...
the beggingin of the year is now a blur to me! sry i have a bad memory!
i most likely cant remember it because my mind was in a million places at once!
my sophmore year was easy and i did make some friends like hannah, nancy, hayley, sherrelle, josh, sam, ian, kristen
jon, marcella, sarah, megan, nicole, and i became better friends with noe, shirlee, and jenny.
this was the year i went to my first dance with someone. that was very uneventful.
krystal confussed the membrane around the heart for the rib cage! (greatest moment ever)
ash and i survived mr. way and his intericate web of grammer homework.
amit and i survived dance. sherrelle: "SHES RUNNING!"
erin and i made up about 1000000 jokes! cause thats what we do
i got my first job! and let me say i hated it!
i had the great mr. pickett for a teacher!
aras won survivor!
the summer came around. that was boring very boring!
i got my mole removed and i couldnt go swimming!
i still have the scar
shark week! the first week of august!
i took driving lessons
amit and i went to raging waters and hurrican harbor
then my junior year came around
im takin marine bio! finally!!!!!
i love sharks!
i have special privliges in that class cause mr. ritterbush had me last year
amit and i keep getting in trouble in art!
what can i say our drawings are the best!
christmas came around and i went to a party with my friends
i spent it with amit, erin, ash, noe, shirlee, krikle, and a bunch of other people!
a random lady said hi to erin and i then walked away..
i had a laughing attack!
we played family fued and were on team federline!
george bush ran around in a cape (in erins world)
erin and i tried to watch joseph and the king of dreams but couldnt
erin noe and i tried to watch joseph and the king of spy kids unraded version but couldnt!
erin noe and i tried to watch rocket power the king of spy kids the unraded version but couldnt!
amit and i stayed up till 4 battleing uval and jonathan at mario cart
amit and i kicked thier asses
they complaied...a lot
uval said it was scary throwing bombs at eachother and jonathan said how is it scary were on a giant cookie
amit shirlee and i talked about ghost hunters and sharks
causing amit to have a dream about ghosts and sharks
the end!
happy 2007!!!