So far so good.

Oct 26, 2007 13:49

I seem to alternate days. Errands one day, household domesticity the next, total stupor the third. Shuffle, repeat.

Today is household domesticity. I dragged my ass out of bed to immediately start stew. Floured the beef, James browned it while I did dishes. He cut potatoes while I picked up the living room and bathroom.

Over the beef went the potatoes and some baby carrots and then some organic cream of mushroom soup. Add heat and the rest of the day and..... Yummy.

The cleaners are on their way and I have critiques to write today. I also have prompts that I want to write and a 'drabble' challenge.

We'll see how it plays out tonight, what with it being a Friday and all. ::rolls eyes::

ETA: Breakfast was meatballs that James made before I got up. THAT doesn't suck.
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